Give Away

Congratulations to Geoff Crosby!
Winner of the Custom Knife Giveaway

In support of Joel Paul

As a fellow artist/craftsman and more importantly a man lucky enough to consider himself an old friend, I take this opportunity to host this giveaway to help in the support of this cherished human.

Joel Paul  is a warrior artist. This man inspires me with his ceaseless drive to fight through adversity, share and create and be the best human he can be. Few I know work as hard as he to make our lil part of the world a lil better than he found it.
He has shared so much inspiration, kindness, knowledge and encouragement with so many.

Joel was in a brutal accident while helping someone fell a tree. Significant parts of his body were crushed under that tree. He remains hospitalized and is looking into the vast sea of the unknown that will be his recovery.
There has been an enormous amount of love and support so far, but I believe he is gonna need as much as we can give to help him through this long and grueling recovery.

I’v put together this giveaway as a friend and humble craftsman with hope that it will add something to the pool of all who have donated time, love, and resources to help Joel…

The Particulars

(PLEASE Read Carefully)

The giveaway will last for 13 days, from Saturday May 25 to Thursday June 6th 

Anyone who would like a chance at winning the giveaway of this knife need only accomplish this small list of tasks between the dates listed above.

1. follow this link to Joel’s Gofundme page ( and donate at least $25.00.
Each $25.00 donation gives you a chance to help out Joel AND gives you a chance to win this one of a kind knife.
(Yes! if you make multiple $25.00 donations within those 13 days, you will gain more chances to win!)
(Yes! Each increment of $25.00 will be considered a chance to win. Ex. $75.00 gets you 3 entries to win)

2. You MUST forward a copy, or send a screenshot of EACH gofundme receipt you receive when you make your donation within the allotted timeframe to this email address – to be entered into the drawing!
Your Gofundme receipt acts as your giveaway entry ticket(s)

On Friday June 7th all participants based on their submitted receipts will be entered into an online random number generator and 1 of those numbers will be randomly selected as the winner. The winner will be notified and their name will be posted here on Saturday June 8th at NOON!

About the Knife

This is a knife I made specifically for this event. The blade is in the style of a Japanese kitchen Petty knife with a western style handle. Kind of an East meets West fusion.
It is forged in high carbon 1084 steel and was clay coated when quenched as part of its heat heat treatment which is what makes the edge harder, the spine more springy and creates the wavy line, or Hamon along the length of the blade’s primary bevel.

The handle is made from a piece of Black Walnut that I was able to obtain from Joel’s own workshop!
Not long after Joel’s accident I went to his shop to find a piece of “scrap” wood from a project he had worked on, with the intention to use it for this particular blade’s handle.
In the spirit of rising from the ashes I have lightly scorched the end of the handle and given it a light polishing with oil.
It is pinned with brass.

The Specs:
1084 high carbon steel.
Blade thickness at spine 1/8″
Overall length 9″
Cutting edge length 5″
Sharpened at 17°
Handle Black Walnut with Brass pins
Colored by fire and oil rubbed.

Now for a lil extra incentive…
I have been making knives for about a decade now.
My life recently has taken a sharp turn in direction and find myself in a place of my own rebuilding, my own resurrection of sorts. In this time of change, I have decided to pursue a simpler lifestyle and explore different forms of creative expression.
To the point…
I am shutting down the forge and will no longer be making knives! You heard it here first!
This blade represents the very last blade crafted by me to be available to the public.
If you’ve ever wanted a blade by me…
Good Luck!